Firstly:: It is ordained that the distinction shall be styled and designated THE VICTORIA CROSS' and shall consist of a Maltese Cross of bronze with Our Royal Crest in the centre and underneath which, an enscroll bearing the inscription, For Valour'.
Secondly:: It is ordained that the Cross shall be
suspended from the left breast by a blue riband for the navy,
and by a red riband for the army.
Thirdly:: It is ordained that the names of those upon
whom We may be pleased to confer the decoration shall be published
in The London Gazette, and a registry thereof kept in the office
of Our Secretary of State for War.
Fourthly:: It is ordained that anyone who, after having
received the Cross, shall again perform an act of bravery, which,
if he had not received such Cross, would have entitled him to
it, such further act shall be recorded by a Bar attached to the
riband by which the Cross is suspended, and for every additional
act of bravery an additional Bar may be added.
Fifthly:: It is ordained that the Cross shall only
be awarded to those officers or men that have served Us in the
presence of the enemy, and shall have performed some signal act
of valour or devotion to their country.
Sixthly:: It is ordained, with a view to place all
persons on a perfectly equal footing in relation to eligibility
for the decoration, that neither rank, nor long service, nor wounds,
nor any other circumstance or condition whatsoever, save the merit
of conspicuous bravery, shall be held to establish a sufficient
claim to the honour.
Seventhly:: It is ordained that the decoration may
be conferred on the spot where the act where the act to be rewarded
by the grant of such decoration has been performed under the following
I. When the fleet or army in which such act has been performed,
is under the eye and command of an admiral or general officer
commanding the force.
II Where the naval or military force is under the eye and command
of an admiral or commodore commanding a squadron or detached naval
force, or of a general commanding a corps, or division or brigade
on a distinct and detached service , when such admiral, commodore,
or general officer shall have the power of conferring the decoration
on the spot, subject to confirmation by Us.
Eighthly:: It is ordained, where such an act shall
not have been performed in sight of a commanding officer as aforesaid,
then the claimant for the honour shall prove the act to the satisfaction
of the captain or officer commanding his ship, or to the officer
commanding the regiment to which the claimant belongs, and such
captain or such commanding officer shall report the same through
the usual channel to the admiral or commodore commanding the force
employed on the service, or to the officer commanding the forces
in the field, who shall call for such description and attestation
of the act as he may think requisite, and on approval shall recommend
the grant of the decoration.
Ninthly:: It is ordained that every person selected
for the Cross, under Rule Seven, shall be publicly decorated before
the naval or military force or body to which he belongs, and with
which the act of bravery for which he is rewarded shall have been
performed, and his name shall be recorded in a General Order,
together with the cause of his especial distinction.
Tenthly:: It is ordained that every person selected
under Rule Eight shall receive his decoration as soon as possible,
and his name shall likewise appear in a General Order to be issued
by the naval or military commander of the forces employed on the
Eleventhly:: It is ordained that the General Orders
above referred to shall from time to time be transmitted to Our
Secretary of State for War, to be laid before Us, and shall be
by him registered.
Twelfthly:: It is ordained that cases may arise not
falling within the rules above specified, or in which a claim,
though well founded, may not have been established on the spot,
We will, on the joint submission of Our Secretary of State for
War, and of Our Commander-in chief of Our army, or on that of
Our Lord High Admiral or Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty
in the case of the navy, confer the decoration, but never without
the conclusive proof of the performance of the act of bravery
for which the claim is made.
Thirteenthly:: It is ordained, that in the event of
a gallant and daring act having been performed by a squadron,
ship's company, a detached body of seamen and marines, not under
fifty in number, or by a brigade, regiment, troop, or company,
in which the admiral, general, or other officer commanding such
forces, may deem that all are equally brave and distinguished,
and that no special selection can be made by them, then in such
case the admiral, general, or other officer commanding may direct
that for any such body of seamen and marines, or for every troop
or company of soldiers, one officer shall be selected by the officers
engaged for the decoration; and in like manner one petty officer
or non-commissioned officer shall be selected by the petty officers
or non-commissioned officers engaged; and two seamen or private
soldiers or marines shall be selected by the seamen, or private
soldiers, or marines engaged respectively for the decoration;
and the names of those selected shall be transmitted by the senior
officer in command of the naval forces, brigade, regiment, troop,
or company, to the admiral or general officer commanding, who
shall in due manner confer the decoration as if the acts were
done under his own eye.
Fourteenthly:: It is ordained that every warrant officer,
petty officer, seaman, or marine, or non-commissioned officer
or soldier who shall have received the Cross, shall, from the
date of the act by which the decoration has been gained, be entitled
to a special pension of Ten Pounds a year, and each additional
Bar conferred under Rule Four on such warrant or petty officers,
or non-commissioned officers or men shall carry with it an additional
pension of Five Pounds per annum.
Fifteenthly:: In order to make such additional provision
as shall effectually preserve pure this most honourable distinction,
it is ordained that if any person on whom such distinction shall
be conferred, he be convicted of treason, cowardice, felony, or
of any infamous crime, or if he is accused of any such offence
and doth not after a reasonable time surrender himself to be tried
for the same, his name shall forthwith be erased from the registry
of individuals upon whom the said decoration shall have been conferred
by an especial warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual, and the pension
conferred under Rule Fourteen shall cease and determine from the
date from the date of such warrant. It is hereby further declared
that We, Our heirs and successors, shall be the sole judges of
the circumstances demanding such expulsion; moreover, We shall
at all times have power to restore such pensions as may at any
time have been expelled both to the enjoyment of the decoration
and pension.
Given at Our Court at Buckingham Palace, this twenty-ninth
day of January of Our reign, and in the year of our Lord one thousand,
eight hundred and fifty-six.
By Her Majesty's Command
From the London Gazette, July 8th 1859.
War office, July 6th, 1859.
The Queen, having been graciously pleased by a warrant under Her
Royal Sign Manual, bearing date December 13, 1858, to declare
that Non-Military Persons who, as Volunteers, have borne arms
against the Mutineers, both at Lucknow and elsewhere, during the
late operations in India, shall be consider as eligible to receive
the Decoration of the Victoria Cross, subject to the rules and
ordinances already made and ordained for the government thereof,
provided that it be established in any case that the person was
serving under the orders of a General or other Officer in Command
of the Troops in the Field when he performed the Act of Bravery
for which it is proposed to confer the decoration; Her Majesty
has accordingly been pleased to signify Her intention to confer
this high distinction on, etc. etc. (names following).
Given at Our Court at Osborne House,Isle of Wight, this
sixth day
August, one thousand, eight hundred and eighty-one, in the
fifth year of Our reign.
By Her Majesty's Command
WHEREAS Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by a Warrant under Her
Royal Sign Manual, countersigned by one of Her Principal Secretaries
of State, and bearing date at Her Court at Buckingham Palace,
the twenty-ninth day of January, one thousand, eight hundred and
fifty-six, in the nineteenth year of her reign, did constitute
and create a new naval and military decoration, to be styled and
designated the "Victoria Cross," which decoration She
expressed Her desire should be highly prized and eagerly sought
after by the officers and men of Her Naval and Military Services
and did also make, ordain and establish the rules and ordinances
therein, set forth for the government of the same, to be thenceforward
inviolably observed and kept.
And whereas for divers reasons Us thereunto moving, We are desirous
of rewarding the individual gallant services of native officers,
non-commissioned officers and men of Our Indian Army by the bestowal
of the said decoration, which We are desirous shall be highly
prized and eagerly sought after by the said native officers, non-commissioned
officers and men.
Now know ye that We, of Our special grace, certain knowledge,
and mere motion, have thought fit hereby to signify Our Royal
Will and Pleasure that the said decoration shall be conferred
on the native oficers, non-commissioned officers and men of our
Indian Army who may be qualified to receive the same, in accordance
with the rules and ordinances made, ordained and established for
the government thereof by the said recited Warrant, and We do
by these Presents, for Us Our Heirs and successors ordain and
appoint that it shall be competent for the native officers, non-commissioned
officers and men of Our Indian Army to obtain the said decoration
in the manner set forth in the rules and ordinances referred to,
or in accordance with any further rules and ordinances which may
hereafter be made and promulgated by Us, Our Heirs and Successors,
for the government of the said decoration.
And we do further, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, ordain and
appoint that in place of the special pension conferred by the
fourteenth rule of the said recited Warrant, every native officer
who shall have received the Cross shall from the date of the
act by which such decoration has been gained be entitled to a
special pension of five hundred and twenty-five rupees a year,
and each conditional bar conferred under the fourth rule on such
native officer shall carry with it an additional pension of one
hundred and fifty rupees a year. In the case of a Warrant or non-commissioned
officer or soldier the special pension shall be one hundred and
fifty rupees, with seventy-five rupees, with seventy-five rupees
additional for each additional bar. On the death of the recipient
of the Cross these pensions shall be continued to his widow until
her death or remarriage.
Given at Our Court at St James's this 21st day of October,
in the
Second year of Our reign, and in the year of Our Lord one thousand
nine hundred and eleven
By His Majesty's Command,
WHEREAS Her Majesty Queen Victoria, by a Warrant under Her
Royal Sign Manual dated 29th January 1856, did create a Naval
and Military Decoration to be styled and designated "The
Victoria Cross," and did express Her desire that this decoration
should be highly prized and eagerly sought after by the Officers
and Men of Her Naval and Military Services.
AND WHEREAS by divers subsequent Warrants other Officers and
Men were admitted to and made eligible for the decoration, and
certain amendments were made to the Rules and Ordinances attaching
AND WHEREAS We deem it expedient that the said Warrant and subsequent
Warrants before referred to, as also the Rules and Ordinances
affecting the same, shall be consolidated, varied and extended
NOW, THEREFORE, We do hereby declare that the said Warrant, and
the Rules and Ordinances hereto in force for the Government of
the said Decoration, shall for that purpose be amended, varied,
modified and extended; and in substitution thereof We by these
presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, are graciously pleased
to make, ordain and establish the following Rules and Ordinances
for the Government of the same which shall be henceforth be inviolably
observed and kept.:~
Firstly: It is ordained that the distinction shall be
heretofore be styled and designated "The Victoria Cross,"
and shall consist of a Maltese Cross of bronze with Our Royal
Crest in the centre and underneath it an escroll bearing the inscription:
"For Valour."
Secondly: It is ordained that the Cross shall be suspended
from the left breast by a red riband, and on these occasions when
only the riband is worn a replica of the Cross in miniature shall
be affixed to the centre of the riband.
Thirdly: It is ordained that the Cross shall only be awarded
for most conspicuous bravery or some daring or pre-eminent act
of valour or self sacrifice or extreme devotion to duty in the
presence of the enemy.
Fourthly: It is ordained that the Cross may be awarded posthumously.
Fifthly: It is ordained that the names of all those persons
upon or on account of whom We may be pleased to confer ot present
the decoration shall be published in the London Gazette, and a
Registry thereof kept in the office of Our Secretary of State
for War.
Sixthly: It is ordained that:~
1 Officers, Warrant Officers and subordinate Officers hereinafter
referred to as Officers, Chief Petty Officers and Petty Officers,
hereinafter referred to as Petty Officer, men and boys hereinafter
referred to as Seamen serving in ~ (a) Our Navy or in ships of
any description for the time being under Naval Command; (b) Our
Indian Marine Service; (c) Navies or Marine Services of Our Dominions,
Colonies, Dependencies or Protectorates; and (d) Our Mercantile
Marine whilst serving under Naval or Military Authority, or who
in the course of their duties may become subject to enemy action.
2 Officers, Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, men
and boys hereinafter referred to as Marines, serving in Our Marines.
3 Officers, Warrant Officers (Classes I and II), Non-commissioned
Officers, men and boys hereinafter referred to as Privates, of
all ranks serving in Our Army, Our Army Reserve, Our Territorial
or other forces, and the forces of Our Dominions, Colonies, Dependencies
or Protectorates.
4 Officers, Warrant Officers, Non-commissioned Officers, and
Airmen in the ranks of Our Air Force, or the Air Forces of Our
Dominions, Colonies, Dependencies or Protectorates.
5 British and Indian Officers and men of all ranks of Our Indian
Army, the Imperial Service Troops of Native States of India or
any other Forces there serving under the Command, guidaance, or
direction of any British or Indian Officer, or of a Political
Officer attached to such Forces on Our behalf.
6 Matrons, Sisters, Nurses of the staff of the Nursing Services
and other Services pertaining to Hospitals and Nursing, and Civilians
of either sex serving regularly or temporarily under the Orders,
direction or supervision of any of the above mentioned Forces
shall be eligible for the decoration of the Cross.
Seventhly It is ordained that if any recipient of the Cross
shall again perform such an act of bravery, as would have made
him or her eligible to receive the Cross, such further act of
bravery shall be recoreded by a Bar to be attached to the Riband
by which the Cross is suspended, and for every such additional
act of bravery, an additional Bar shall be added, and any such
Bar or Bars may be awarded posthumously. For every Bar awarded
a replica of the Cross in miniature shall be added to the riband
when worn alone.
Eighthly It is ordained that every recommendation for
the Award of the decoration of the Cross shall be made and reported
through the usual channel to the Senior Naval, Military or Air
Force Officer Commanding the Force, who shall call for such description,
conclusive proof as far as the circumstances of the case will
allow, and attestation of the act as he may think requisite, and
if he approve he shall recommend the grant of the decoration to
Our Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty , Our Secretary of State
for War and the Royal Air Force as the case may be, who shall
submit to Us the names of everyone so recommended whom they shall
consider worthy: in the case of there no British or Indian Officer,
then the Political Officer attached to the Force shall, after
obtaining conclusive proof of the act of bravery as far as possible,
if he approve, submit the recommendation to Us through the proper
Ninthly It is ordained that ion the event of any unit
of Our Naval, Military or Air Force, consisting in the case of
Our Navy of a squadron, flotilla or ship's company, or a detached
body of seamen or marines; or in the case of Our Army of a regiment,
squadron, battery or company , or a detached body of soldiers;
or in the case of Our Air Force of a squadron or other body of
airmen, having distinguished itself collectively by the performance
of an act of heroic gallantry or daring in the presence of the
enemy in such a way that the Admiral, General or other Officer
in Command of the Forces to which such an unit belongs is unable
to single out any individual as specially pre-eminent in gallantry
or daring, then one or more of the officers, warrant officers,
petty officers, non-commissioned officers, seamen, marines, private
soldiers or airmen in the ranks comprising the unit shall be selected
to be recommended to Us for the award of the Victoria Cross in
the following manner:~
(a) When the total personnel of the unit does not exceed 100,
then one officer shall be selected for the decoration by the officers
engaged; and in like manner one warrant officer or petty officer
or non-commissioned officer of the unit shall be selected by the
warrant officers or petty officers or non-commissioned officers
engaged, and one seaman, marine, private soldier or airman in
the ranks shall be selected by the seamen, marines, private soldiers
or airmen in the ranks engaged.
(b) When the total personnel of the unit exceeds 100 but does
not exceed 200, then the number of seamen, marines, private soldiers
or airmen in the ranks to be selected in the manner described
in (a) shall be increased to two.
(c) When the total personnel exceeds 200 in number, the number
of Crosses to be awarded in accordance with these provisions shall
be subject to special consideration by Our Lords Commissioners
of the Admiralty or by one of Our Secretaries of State for submission
to Us
(d) The selection to be by a secret ballot in such manner as
shall be determined in accordance with the foregoing provisions
by the Officer directing the selection to be made.
(e) The death of any person engaged shall not be a bar to his
(f) The names of the persons recommended in accordance with these
provisions shall be submitted to Us in the manner laid down in
Rule 8.
Tenthly: It is ordained that every recipient of the Cross,
not being nor ranking as a Commissioned Officer nor, in the case
of our Navy, being or ranking with a warrant officer, nor coming
within Rule 11, shall from the date of the act by which the decoration
has been gained, be entitled to a special pension of Ten Pounds
a year, and each additional Bar conferred under Rule 7 on such
recipient shall carry with it an additional pension of Five Pounds
per annum.
Eleventhly Every Indian Officer of Our Indian Army of rank
junior to that of Second Lieutenant who shall have received the
Cross shall, from the date of the act by which such decoration
has been gained, be entitled to a special pension of Five hundred
and twenty -five rupees a year, and each additional Bar conferred
on such Indian Officer shall carry with it an additional pension
of One hundred and fifty rupees a year. In the case of a Warrant
or Non-commissioned Officer or soldier of Our Indian Army aforesaid
We ordain and award a special pension of One hundred and fifty
rupees with Seventy-five rupees additional for each additional
Bar. On the death of these recipients of the Cross these pensions
shall be continued to his widow until her death or remarriage.
Twelfthly In order to make such additional provision as
shall effectually maintain pure this most homourable distinction,
it is ordained that if any person on whom such distinction shall
be conferred be convicted of treason, cowardice, felony or of
any infamous crime, or if he or she be accused of any such offence
and doth not after a reasonable time surrender himself or herself
to be tried for the same, his or her name shall by an especial
Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual forthwith be erased from the
registry of individuals upon whom the daid decoration shall have
been conferred and the pension conferred under Rules 10 and 11
shall cease and determine from the date of such Warrant It is
hereby further declared that We, Our Heirs and Successors, shall
be sole judges of the circumstances demanding such expulsion;
moreover, We shall at all times have power to restore such persons
as may at any time have been expelled, both to the enjoyment of
the decoration and pension, and notice thereof of expulsion or
restoration in every case shall be published in the London Gazette.
Given at Our Court at St> James's this 22nd of May,
in the eleventh year of Our reign, and in the year of Our Lord,
one thousand, nine hundred and twenty.
By His Majesty's Command